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So far Christine Duggan has created 213 blog entries.

A.B. Graphic Demonstrates Equipment with TruPoint Orange® at New Barcelona Showroom


Plymouth, MA, September 1, 2021.  On behalf of its European label partner, Flexo Concepts is proud to announce the opening of A.B. Graphic’s new showroom in Barcelona. [...]

A.B. Graphic Demonstrates Equipment with TruPoint Orange® at New Barcelona Showroom2024-03-19T10:30:12-04:00

Handling, Orientation and Pressure: Installing TruPoint Orange Properly Is the Key to Success


The TruPoint Orange doctor blade can successfully eliminate UV ink spitting and start-up lines, reduce the frequency of blade changes and offer a safe alternative to [...]

Handling, Orientation and Pressure: Installing TruPoint Orange Properly Is the Key to Success2022-12-08T11:08:07-05:00



近年来由于油墨输送工艺的进步,柔版印刷在质量和效率方面已经能与其他印刷方法相媲美。更具体来说,刮刀腔系统能够更好的控制墨膜厚度、颜色一致性、油墨消耗量、清洁成本和印刷机运行时间。一个刮刀系统使用两把刮刀和一个封闭式的刮刀腔来分配油墨到网纹辊,其中一个反 角刮刀充当刮墨刀,刮除网纹辊上多余的墨水,另一个刮刀充当封墨刀,将墨水保持在刮刀腔内。刮刀腔的两端有泡沫, 橡胶或羊毛毡材质的挡墨块密封两侧,防止墨水泄漏。 更好地控制油墨用量也意味着每年可将油墨消耗量降低,密闭式刮刀腔系统消耗的墨水量比双胶辊开放的墨水盘更少,运行结束时剩余的墨水 量也更少,而这些剩余墨水可以取出存储以备下次使用。根据墨水是油性还是水性,封闭式腔刀腔设计可防止溶剂或胺从墨水中蒸发,使得印刷机可以保持墨水粘度。此外封闭式刮刀腔有防尘效果,也减少了油墨对周围区域的抛墨和污染。此外封闭式刮刀腔更为环保的清洁系统也允许更高效的清洁效果,使用更少量的清洗 液和水使得处理成本减少,油墨换色更快,订单转换和运行设置时间更加快速。 最近,刮刀腔产商采用了创新的工程概念和下一代材料,以提高设备的性能和可用性。例如新型的碳纤维刮刀腔结构重量轻、强度高、耐用且温度稳定,在宽幅印刷机上使用也能降低压力与振动,刮刀腔的表面涂有树脂以抗静电与耐腐蚀。 例如 TRESU 的E-Line 和 P-Line 系统, 使用先进的刮刀夹紧系统,分别用离心式和气动装置代替螺丝,使操作人员更快速容易换刀 。 早期的刮刀腔系统是为钢质刮刀而设计的。但是为了满足行业对塑料刮刀日益增长的需求,TRESU 与刮刀制造商Flexo Concepts® 真点刮刀密切合作,开发了独家全新的 XL 系列刮刀架。Flexo Concepts 真点刮刀提供多种稍厚的塑料刮刀来更换宽幅印刷机上的钢刀,那些喜欢塑料刮刀而不是钢刀的客户,无论是为了提高工作安全性、延长刮刀寿命、避免网纹辊刮伤,或者解决飞墨的印刷问题,都可以根据工作要求灵活使用塑料刮刀,方 便不同的需求切换使用。 在选择刮刀腔系统时,有几个因素要考虑以使投资回报最大化 :刮刀腔加载系统的校准平衡性以防止错位,确保刮刀与网纹辊接触均匀,这是首要考虑的因素。 其次允许操作员能够调整刮刀和网纹辊之间的压力,确保最小的刮刀接触压力,尤其是使用塑料刮刀, [...]


Etirama Opens New Barcelona Demo Center; Features TruPoint Orange® Doctor Blades


Plymouth, MA, October 30, 2020. On behalf of its Brazilian distribution partner, Flexo Concepts® is excited to announce the company's new showroom - ETIRAMA EUROPE - in [...]

Etirama Opens New Barcelona Demo Center; Features TruPoint Orange® Doctor Blades2024-03-19T10:30:15-04:00

Instalación de Las Rasquetas TruPoint Orange®: Tres Elementos Clave Para El Exito


La instalación incorrecta de la rasqueta dosificadora TruPoint Orange resultará en un desastre. Bueno en realidad no. Pero creará dolores de cabeza para el operador de [...]

Instalación de Las Rasquetas TruPoint Orange®: Tres Elementos Clave Para El Exito2024-03-19T10:30:33-04:00

TruPoint Orange Doctor Blade Offers Numerous Advantages over Steel in Sheetfed Offset Coating Applications


The goal of a sheetfed offset printer, like every printer, is to produce printed pieces efficiently and economically. In sheetfed offset coating applications, selecting the right doctor blade will help keep [...]

TruPoint Orange Doctor Blade Offers Numerous Advantages over Steel in Sheetfed Offset Coating Applications2024-03-19T10:30:42-04:00

Doctor Blade Chambers Play a Key Role in Print Quality and Pressroom Efficiency


After years of being relegated to jobs with low graphics requirements, flexography now rivals other printing methods for quality and efficiency thanks to advances in the ink delivery [...]

Doctor Blade Chambers Play a Key Role in Print Quality and Pressroom Efficiency2024-03-19T11:18:29-04:00

El Portacuchillas XL de TRESU Brinda a Los Usuarios de La Línea P Acceso a Las Raclas TruPoint


Como parte de un programa para expandir las opciones de raclas dosificadoras para los usuarios de su cámara, TRESU ha introducido una modificación en su sistema [...]

El Portacuchillas XL de TRESU Brinda a Los Usuarios de La Línea P Acceso a Las Raclas TruPoint2024-03-19T10:30:14-04:00
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