The goal of a sheetfed offset printer, like every printer, is to produce printed pieces efficiently and economically.  In sheetfed offset coating applications, selecting the right doctor blade will help keep presses running and minimize costs while maintaining a safe pressroom environment.  By replacing steel with non-metallic doctor blades, a printer can reduce pressroom injuries, eliminate anilox roller scoring and extend blade life.



钢制刮刀是造成大量 每年的原因。 随着刮刀的磨损,其边缘会因接触网纹辊而变得锋利。 这会留下锋利的刀尖,造成严重的割伤。 印刷机操作员在从印刷机上取下磨损的刀片时必须格外小心,并戴上防护手套,以免受伤。 非金属刮刀因其材料成分,即使在磨损的情况下使用也更加安全。 改用非金属刮刀可减少工伤事故,并可在工伤保险费率、医疗账单、劳动力更换费用和印刷机停机时间方面为印刷商节省大量资金。

2. Anilox Roll Scoring

Steel blades are also to blame for many cases of anilox roll scoring.  Incorrect blade installation or too much blade pressure can cause small fragments of metal to break away, become trapped against the roller and destroy rows of anilox cells as the roller turns.  The score line appears as a thick band which runs around the circumference of the roller and affects the corresponding area of coating coverage.  The printer wastes substrate and coating and has to have the roller resurfaced or replaced at a significant cost.  In addition to scoring, steel blades accelerate wear on the surface of the anilox roller.  The friction between the blade and roller erodes the anilox cell walls.  As a result, the cell volume is reduced and the anilox roller can no longer carry the precise volume of coating that it was designed to deliver.  Non-metallic blades are non-abrasive and will neither score rollers nor cause accelerated wear on the anilox roller.


钢制刀片磨损很快,需要经常更换。 而非金属刀片的磨损时间长、速度慢,可在整个印刷作业期间提供稳定的涂层。 非金属刀片的摩擦系数较低,因此更换频率较低。 通过更换钢制刀片,印刷商可以最大限度地减少印刷中断,延长印刷机的运行时间。

For sheetfed offset printers using in-line tower coating units, there is a non-metallic blade available for every application. Tresu and Harris & Bruno chamber users can opt for the TruPoint Orange® blade with MicroTip® edge – a blade capable of effective metering with the added advantages of improved safety, reduced anilox roller scoring and longer blade life.

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