Market pressures continue to challenge the printing industry to deliver products that differentiate and delight. Doctor blade manufacturers have stepped up, introducing plastic blade technology that offers a viable alternative to steel and delivers a competitive edge. Here are some of the reasons that plastic doctor blade materials are 比钢好得多.





While safety is the hallmark of a plastic doctor blade, in the past, printers sometimes had to forego this benefit for the wiping capability of steel. Traditional plastic blades needed thickness to provide rigidity. They were unable to achieve a fine area of contact with the anilox roll in high-graphics applications, and steel blades were the only option.

But now, next-generation polymer materials and innovative tip technology can be combined to provide  stiffness at thinner gauges. As a result, today’s plastic blades are able to maintain a fine contact area with the anilox roll and deliver metering performance on par with steel. The lower surface tension of polymers also facilitates an easier transfer of ink or coating to the plate. These properties enable plastic blades to resolve many press issues – such as UV spitting – that are commonly experienced with steel blades.


塑料刀片经久耐用 比钢更耐用.这种材料非常坚韧,可以承受高钛白油墨和特效涂料等研磨化学物质的侵蚀。刀片材料还具有自润滑功能,摩擦系数低,可防止机械磨损。使用塑料刀片可以减少更换刀片的频率,这意味着印刷机可以不间断地运行更长时间。


塑料材料可保护网纹辊。钢刀安装不正确或压力过大会导致金属碎片脱落,并在辊子转动时破坏网纹辊上的网纹辊。此外,钢刀和网纹辊表面之间的摩擦也会侵蚀网纹辊单元壁。无论哪种情况,网纹辊损坏都会导致印刷缺陷、浪费以及维修或更换辊子的高昂成本。另一方面,塑料刀片材料是非磨损性的。同样,它们也不会对操作人员造成伤害。 绝不会损坏辊子或导致网纹辊过早磨损.



Tresu XL 刀架 E-Line TRUpointOrange

Early doctor blade chamber systems were designed for use with steel blades. But, to address the increasing demand for plastic doctor blades, chamber manufacturers, like TRESU, have introduced new blade holder systems that fit a range of blade thicknesses. With an interchangeable clamp apparatus, press operators have the flexibility to run plastic or steel or easily switch back and forth depending on their job requirements.


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