HenkelLas rasquetas TruPoint™ de Flexo Concepts™ han recibido un fuerte respaldo del líder mundial en tecnologías adhesivas, Henkel, para su uso con sus revestimientos especiales. Las cuchillas TruPoint™ son la recomendación número uno de la empresa a los clientes que utilizan fórmulas de recubrimiento especiales para decorar sus envases.

Founded in 1876, German-based Henkel is a global producer of top brands across the laundry and home care, cosmetics and adhesive technologies industries. The company is the leading supplier of UV coatings to the package printing market along with a full range of overprint finishing and coating products used to enhance consumer product packaging.

Dennis Drummond, Senior Key Account Manager and John Bervoets, Business Development Manager for Henkel, promote the use of TruPoint™ doctor blades in a wide variety of coating applications in the package printing market.“TruPoint™ is our number one recommendation to customers looking to apply not only standard gloss and matte finishes but also special coating effects to their packaging.” Henkel insists converters use TruPoint™ blades with its raised, textured, MBoss, glitter and pearlescent coatings. 

Mr. Drummond and Mr. Bervoets maintain that TruPoint™ products are superior to other doctor blades in terms of their ability to effectively meter the anilox coating roller and deliver exceptional results. “TruPoint™ blades are able to effectively wipe and contain high viscosity coatings with no spitting or slinging.” UV chemistries, common in specialty coating applications, have a viscosity of 5-7 times that of water and solvent-based formulas. This thicker consistency applies excessive pressure to the metering blade, often resulting in hydroplaning or “spitting” and contamination of the finished piece. Coatings like Henkel’s MiraFoil® is a heavier viscosity than most coating technologies but can be applied in an extremely thin layer with TruPoint™ blades to optimize coating consumption and minimize waste. According to Drummond, “The TruPoint™ blades do a remarkable job of wiping the cylinder and containing the MiraFoil® at high press speeds. Other blade technologies allow the coatings to push under the blades at high speeds.” 

Finishes such as glitter, metallics and pearlescents contain larger particulates, and a customized blade solution is often necessary to meter these chemistries and control the volume of coating applied to the blanket. TruPoint™ blades can be engineered to a full range of size and profile combinations to meet the precise needs of the printer. In addition to standard coatings, the TruPoint™ blade’s thickness and tip can be modified to improve its metering performance with the higher viscosity and large particulate formulas. Drummond and Bervoets appreciate that Flexo Concepts™ can customize its blades for any situation: “We have always been impressed with the company’s ability to deliver the correct solution with the proper blade composition and thickness for all special applications.”

Drummond y Bervoets continuaron: "En comparación con otras cuchillas del mercado, las cuchillas TruPoint™ no solo rinden mejor, sino que también duran más y son más fáciles de instalar." Las cuchillas son compatibles con todos los tipos de revestimiento y resistentes a productos químicos agresivos. Otras ventajas son la seguridad para el rodillo anilox y un menor riesgo de lesiones para el operario que manipula la cuchilla. Las cuchillas TruPoint™ son adecuadas para aplicaciones de trabajo y giro, aplicaciones puntuales complejas y aplicaciones de recubrimiento de alta gama. Para obtener más información sobre las rasquetas TruPoint™, visite www.flexoconcepts.com o envíe un correo electrónico a [email protected].

Acerca de Flexo Concepts
Con sede en Plymouth, Massachusetts, Flexo Concepts™ fabrica las rasquetas TruPoint™ y los sistemas de limpieza de anilox en seco MicroClean™. Todos los productos están diseñados para mejorar la calidad de impresión y reducir los costes operativos de los impresores flexográficos y offset. Flexo Concepts™ mantiene centros de distribución en Norteamérica, Sudamérica, Europa, Asia, África y Australia. Para más información sobre la empresa y sus productos visite www.flexoconcepts.com.

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