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处于十字路口的瓦楞纸箱加工企业博客系列第一部分 "消费者为王"


瓦楞纸包装印刷 正在发生变化。交货时间在缩短,订单规模在缩小,缩短周转时间的压力在增加。与此同时,品牌所有者 [...]

处于十字路口的瓦楞纸箱加工企业博客系列第一部分 "消费者为王"2019-03-19T16:15:10-04:00

Doctor Blade Mechanical Creep: What it is, why it matters & what you can do about it


UHMW has always been the “standard” doctor blade used in corrugated applications.  However, the function of the corrugated box has evolved from a simple “this side up” logistics [...]

Doctor Blade Mechanical Creep: What it is, why it matters & what you can do about it2021-12-14T15:27:29-05:00