高级医生刀片 解决方案
自 1988 年起革新瓦楞纸箱印刷

自 Bob Thompson 于 1988 年推出 TruPointUHMW 以来,Flexo Concepts ,一直走在最前沿,引领创新,并在瓦楞纸箱印刷 市场上占据主导地位。瓦楞纸箱行业发生了转变,从辊对辊墨水 测量 转向了改变游戏规则的医生刀片 墨水 测量 。

解决方案 瓦楞纸箱生产商
Corrugated printing press

Blade Life & Metering Quality

Early users of doctor blades in corrugated printing focused almost exclusively on blade life.  In more recent years as graphic requirements for boxes and corrugated displays have increased, printers have looked for products that combine blade wear with higher graphic capabilities.  In 2018 Flexo Concepts introduced TruPoint Green as a solution for this growing need.

常见医生刀片 配置

Corrugated printing presses typically utilize a single, reverse angle blade or an enclosed doctor blade chamber. TruPoint doctor blades are compatible with these configurations and are made in a range of materials, thicknesses, and edge profiles. Many materials are thick and offer great wear resistance, yet have profiles that provide excellent ink metering.

reverse angle doctor blade


Flexo Concepts produces a number of doctor blade products ideal for production of printed corrugated boxes. TruPoint UHMW is the original plastic doctor blade, yielding maximum blade life over long production runs.  TruPoint Green was added when printer’s were seeking an alternative to UHMW for demanding graphic requirements.

超高分子量 (UHMW)

The standard blade for the corrugated printing market.

TRUpoint 边缘医生刀片

终极钢材替代品具有卓越的硬度和 无与伦比的刀片寿命。

TRUpointGreen 医生刀片

An eco-friendly doctor blade for high quality corrugated print.


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