2016_FTA_Forum_400x144马萨诸塞州普利茅斯,2016 年 1 月 28 日。 Kevin McLaughlin, president of Flexo Concepts®, will present “What’s Next for Corrugated Printing” at the FTA 2016 年度论坛 在得克萨斯州沃斯堡举行。该演讲是一系列技术会议的一部分,旨在 "向渴望了解如何改进流程、提高生产率和最重要的底线的听众传授新理论、令人兴奋的研究和现代实践"。

McLaughlin 是计划于 3 月 7 日星期一举行的 "2016 柔印游戏规则改变者 "会议的五位演讲者之一。来自柯达、InterFlex Group、Best Label 和 Cyber Graphics 的发言人将与他一起讨论柔版印刷领域的革命性技术,这些技术通过创新和效率帮助印刷商在竞争中保持领先地位。

Specifically, McLaughlin will address the biggest changes undergone by the corrugated printing sector as well as the industry developments that have brought about these changes. He will explore the evolution of the ink delivery system, machine modernization and advances in substrate and drying processes, concluding with what he sees driving the future of corrugated printing.

Flexo Concepts will also exhibit at INFO*FLEX on March 7-8. During the event, the company will focus on strengthening its relationships with OEMs, co-suppliers and customers while continuing to promote the distinct benefits of its TruPoint™ doctor blades in flexo printing applications. Visit booth #329 for more information or to obtain a blade sample.

欲了解会议详情或注册参加论坛,请访问http://flexography.org/。要获取Flexo Concepts 的完整新闻资料袋,请访问www.flexoconcepts.com/media。

公司简介Flexo Concepts
Flexo Concepts 总部位于马萨诸塞州普利茅斯,生产 TruPoint 刮刀、TruPoint QuikWash™ 系统和清洗刀片以及 MicroClean™ 干介质网纹辊清洗系统。Flexo Concepts 在北美、南美、欧洲、亚洲、非洲和澳大利亚都设有分销点。有关公司及其产品的更多信息,请访问www.flexoconcepts.com。如需定期了解最新信息,请在 Facebook 和 Twitter 上关注Flexo Concepts 。

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