科萨尔科集团参加 2013 年安第斯包装展Flexo Concepts and Grupo Cosalco joined forces at Andina-Pack 2013 to announce their partnership in bringing the premium TruPoint Orange doctor blade to the Colombian narrow web market.

Cosalco 将成为哥伦比亚的独家经销商,这也是该地区独家经销商名单上的最新一员。

As a premium product, TruPoint Orange fits well with the portfolio of 40+ leading brands represented by the distributor. “Grupo Cosalco was the obvious choice for us in Colombia,” said Chris Nolin, VP of Sales for Flexo Concepts. “We are confident that the team will do a great job spreading the word about how Orange outperforms other blade products and eliminates many of the challenges faced by narrow web printers.”

Grupo Cosalco 于 1986 年在哥斯达黎加成立,主要代理外国公司销售优质图形艺术产品和柔性包装材料。此后,公司不断扩大,在危地马拉、萨尔瓦多和哥伦比亚设立了办事处,目前为中美洲所有国家、哥伦比亚和加勒比海部分地区提供服务。

欲了解有关 TruPointOrange 或成为分销商的更多信息,请访问 www.flexoconcepts.com。要获取完整的新闻资料袋,请访问www.flexoconcepts.com/aboutus/media.php。

关于 Flexo Concepts™ 公司
Flexo Concepts™ 总部位于马萨诸塞州普利茅斯,生产TruPoint™ 刮刀TruPoint™ QuikWash™ 系统清洗刀片以及MicroClean™ 干介质网纹辊清洗系统。所有产品均旨在提高柔版印刷和胶印机的印刷质量并降低运营成本。Flexo Concepts™ 在北美、南美、欧洲、亚洲、非洲和澳大利亚都设有分销点。有关公司及其产品的更多信息,请访问 www.flexoconcepts.com.

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